[Seattle]Thrive Cafe的无谷蛋白奶制品超健康晚餐

[Seattle]Thrive Cafe的无谷蛋白奶制品超健康晚餐

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A health-food emporium, Thrive Cafe offers gluten-free, vegetarian, and primarily organic meals. Along with its lush, natural inventory, Thrive Cafe offers local community members the tools to create meals from those foods on their own. From the kale-packed raw juices to the cooking-with-kale classes, Thrive Cafe aims to make healthy eating delicious by dispelling myths that eating kale is the first step in turning into a garden gnome. 最近工作太忙光吃快餐?胡吃海喝吃太多肉?无精打采只靠营养片补充?Thrive Cafe用多种美味的有机素食告诉你其实健康根本不用牺牲口舌之快。

1026 NE 65th Street, #A102
Seattle, WA 98115


$12 for $20 worth of organic, plant-based cuisine for dine-in or takeout during dinner, valid Monday through Friday from 6 p.m.–9 p.m.
$15 for $20 worth of organic, plant-based cuisine for dine-in or takeout during dinner, valid Saturday and Sunday from 6 p.m.–9 p.m. Amount paid never expires. May be repurchased every 180 days. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift. Limit 1 per visit. Limit 1 per table. Valid only for option purchased. Valid only for dine-in or takeout during dinner from 6pm-9pm. Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services.

截止日期: 购买后120天,售完即止

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