[NorCal] Oolong Noodles 日式拉面优惠

[NorCal] Oolong Noodles 日式拉面优惠

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At Oolong Noodles, house-made udon is served one of two ways: as an entree with slow-cooked meats such as brisket or pork belly or as a soup with ingredients such as spicy kimchee or grilled beef tongue. But udon only makes up half of the noodle shop's menu. The other half is dedicated to sushi, including nigiri, maki, sashimi, and specialty rolls such as the Caterpillar Roll, which has avocado and barbecue eel from the ocean's many smokehouses. 餐厅的手作拉面配上慢火炖的猪五花或是烤牛舌和辣泡菜颇受欢迎。除此之外,还有各式的寿司和刺身。

646 Washington St.
San Francisco, CA 94111


$19 for $30 worth of Japanese food for two or more

截止日期: 售完即止

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