[SoCal]Onyx Lounge鸡尾酒配小吃优惠

[SoCal]Onyx Lounge鸡尾酒配小吃优惠


Onyx Lounge resides in the original Security Trust and Savings Bank building, which was erected in 1906 and designated a cultural landmark in 2003. The scene inside is much different today, but Onyx maintains a connection with the building's historic past. Creators of the candle-lit lounge designed it as a cultural, artistic, and sensory experience, which begins with the food and drinks. Guests sip farm-fresh cocktails, such as the Spring St. Smash featuring bourbon, blackberry, basil, and sambuca. 坐落在LA市中心的Onyx有着复古的环境和优雅的情调,下班后来这儿品一杯小酒尝几口小食,褪去这繁杂都市中一天的疲惫。

Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village
2 Dole Drive
Westlake Village, CA 91362


$25 for an appetizer and two glasses of wine or cocktails (up to $39 total value)
$49 for two appetizers and four glasses of wine or cocktails (up to $78 total value)


截止日期: 售完即止

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