[NorCal]Montecatini Ristorante意式晚餐半价折扣

[NorCal]Montecatini Ristorante意式晚餐半价折扣

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Italian cooking is in executive chef Ermes Paulin's blood. Born in Vicenza, Italy, Chef Paulin received his training in Rome at the age of 17. He has been the executive chef of Montecatini Ristorante since it opened in 1989. Just like the restaurant's charming, old-world decor, Chef Paulin's authentic Italian cuisine has become a source of comfort to diners over the years. During visits, they feast on warming classics such as brick-pressed chicken, sauteed calamari, and house-made gnocchi, paired with sips from an extensive wine list. Among the restaurant's many distinctions in its 25 years of business is 2014 Diner's Choice for Italian from OpenTable users.来自意大利的主厨经营25年有余,亲自为顾客奉上最原汁原味的意式大餐并配上等的红酒。该餐厅于2014被OpenTable评为最佳意大利餐厅。          

1528 Civic Dr.
Walnut Creek, CA 94596


$69 for an Italian dinner for two and bottle of Rombauer Chardonnay or similar premium wine, valid Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Sunday (up to $116 total value)
$79 for an Italian dinner for two and bottle of Rombauer Chardonnay or similar premium wine, valid any day (up to $116 total value)

截止日期: 购买后120天,售完即止

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