[NorCal] It's-It Ice Cream 冰淇淋三明治优惠

[NorCal] It’s-It Ice Cream 冰淇淋三明治优惠

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The traditional IT'S-IT sandwich with vanilla ice cream continues to be a staple, although chocolate, mint, pumpkin, strawberry, and cappuccino flavors can also be found. The company has expanded its selection to include a handful of other treats. Scoops of ice cream lie sandwiched between oversized chocolate-chip cookies, as well as dark-chocolate wafers. IT'S-IT's version of a sundae on a stick, meanwhile, features ice cream dipped in dark chocolate and then rolled in roasted peanuts. 炎炎夏日需要冰淇淋来降温。创建于1928年的老牌冰淇淋店,现在仍广受大家好评。除了传统的香草冰淇淋,现在更夹在饼干或是黑巧克力华夫饼中间的冰淇淋三明治。

865 Burlway Rd
Burlingame, CA 94010


$10 for 12 ice cream sandwiches ($18 value)
$12 for 12 ice cream sandwiches and 12 original oatmeal chocolate dunked cookies ($22 value)
$15 for 12 ice cream sandwiches and one pack of pre-formed ready to bake gourmet cookie dough (24 count) ($28 value)

截止日期: 售完即止

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