

[SoCal] Cookie Connection 缤纷饼干盒

In 2003 Jake Hoffart decided to hang up the cleats and get into the cookie business. His goal was now to entertain the public with delicious cookie recipes. He first opened his door in September of 2003 in Roseville Ca. His recipes are intended to bring oneself back to the joyous glory days of Grandmas kitchen. With help from friends and family, these treasured recipes evolved into a menu for his bakery, Cookie Connection. This talented team uses only the finest ingredients to bake a variety of cookies daily from scratch. His signature dough is carefully crafted to produce a cookie with an ideal texture and superior flavor. His passion and goal is to make cookies relevant and fun!!! Based out of Sacramento and Roseville California, these cookies make a wonderful gift for any occasion. Their sweetness brings back wonderful memories and will help create unforgettable new ones. 要说什么有零食是美味可口,携带方便,老少皆宜,而且咬一口就能带来幸福感的,大概就是饼干了。现在,鼎鼎有名的Cookie Connection有缤纷饼干盒的优惠,所有饼干都可以自己选择自己组合,装一盒满满的幸福带给家人吧!

3972 Barranca Parkway
Irvine, CA 92606


$13 for $23 worth of gourmet cookies and treats

截止日期:  2015/11/14


[SoCal] Hot Pot Galaxy 亚洲风味火锅套餐

Metal bowls sit in the middle of tables, cooking up shrimp cakes, fish, corn, and cabbage on the spot. The dish: hot pots. The eatery: Hot Pot Galaxy, where diners choose their fixings and then watch their meals simmer before their eyes. They can dig into the hot and spicy beef hot pot, which brims with beef, fish, vermicelli noodles, tofu, cabbage, and mushrooms, or savor the miso lobster hot pot, complete with a whole lobster surrounded by veggies and tofu. Meatless options include the tomato vegetarian hot pot. 这家Hot Pot Galaxy有点像是台式臭臭锅的形式,就是每人一口小火锅,不过他家的用料可是够给力,比如味增龙虾锅,有一整只大龙虾在里面。此外, 他家还有正宗的日式拉面和各种亚洲小食,只来一家店就可以尝尽各方美味,而且就在市中心,是不是已经心动了?

123 Astronaut E S Onizuka Street
Suite 202
Los Angeles, CA 90012


$12 for $20 worth of Asian fusion food for two
$24 for$40 worth of Asian fusion food for four

截止日期: 购买后120天,售完即止


[NorCal] Garçon 纯正法国味道

The French countryside feels a little bit closer for diners when they enter Garçon. The restaurant embraces the cuisine and ambiance of an Old-World bistro, welcoming taste buds with a menu of homestyle cooking. However, Executive Chef Arthur Wall doesn't just follow recipes. Instead, he tweaks the menu virtually every day, incorporating seasonal and locally sourced ingredients into as many dishes as possible. The menu's iconic dishes—including french onion soup and coq au vin—demonstrate Chef Wall's dedication to time-honored flavors. But he also allows his classical culinary training and his New Orleans heritage to shine through in New World–influenced dishes such as molasses-brined pork tenderloin with white-cheddar grits. 法国大餐也不一定要高大上,花上并不多少的钱也可以享受到纯正的法国味道。在三番的Garçon让很多法国人找到的家乡的感觉,97%的食客都评价他家有正宗的法国料理。而且厨师Arthur Wall不会墨守成规,会根据每日的食材新鲜度改变菜单,即使每天去都能尝到新味道。

1101 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA 94110


$39 for $50 worth of French cuisine

截止日期: 购买后120天,售完即止


[NorCal] Creations Dessert 甜甜蜜蜜港式甜品

Creations Dessert originated in Hong Kong, where generations of guests feasted on sweet treats including rice balls, mango pudding, and dishes made from intricately cut fruit. The shop finally made the jump to America and, though the addresses might be different, the quality remains true to the original. The American staff has trained under the chain's Hong Kong cooks to learn their recipes and secret handshakes. That expertise is translated into a menu of juices, teas, and specialties including chilled sago, made with mangos, strawberries, and sweet rice. 每个女孩都爱甜品,但相比甜腻的美式甜品,我们总是更倾心有丰富鲜果的港式甜品。在三番的街头逛累了,在一家港式甜品店里坐上一下午,便是个完美的周末午后。

5217 Geary Boulevard
San Francisco, CA 94118


$15 for a four-visit punch card with $5 worth of desserts per visit ($20 total value)


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