

[SoCal]The Hollywoodland Murder在好莱坞感受谋杀主题晚餐

The Hollywoodland Murder show is set during a 1940s movie premier that unexpectedly turns into a hostage situation. An unknown killer has carefully constructed a twisted game in which guests must work together by participating in various challenges, trivia, and scavenger hunts to solve the murder mystery before the body count grows. “不知名的杀手布下陷阱,顾客们必须同心协力才能破除迷局,以防死亡数量继续上升…”以复古奢华闻名的Next Door的名声自不必再说,在观看体验40年代风格的“凶杀案”时,还能顺便享用美食,这么刺激有趣的体验,你不好奇吗?

1154 Highland Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038


$49 for The Hollywoodland Murder dinner and show for one ($84 total value)
$89 for The Hollywoodland Murder dinner and show for two ($168 total value)

截止日期: 2015/11/01


[SoCal]Bourré Southern Bistro 圣地亚哥浪漫小酒馆体验新奥尔良美食混搭加州风味海鲜

If only every concert could end with a slice of pecan pie. That sweet dream comes true for guests at Bourré Southern Bistro, which hosts live performances from the likes of jazz singers, balladeers, and blues musicians. Soulful songs, soft candlelight, and exposed brick walls form the backdrop to a menu of traditional creole cuisine with a fresh California twist. New Orleans favorites from deep-fried catfish to jambalaya are served alongside unexpected fusion dishes such as creole shrimp risotto with asparagus. Chefs also assemble oyster po' boy sandwiches, just in case all the silverware gets repurposed as makeshift drumsticks.这家位于圣地亚哥的小酒馆,其实承载了无数爵士乐手、民谣歌手的梦想。在深情的歌曲、柔和的灯光的陪伴下,新奥尔良特色炸鲶鱼经过加州厨师的精心改造,配上鲜虾芦笋烩饭,一定会让你有意想不到的体验。

6523 University Avenue
San Diego, CA 92115


$18 for $30 worth of creole dinner cuisine for two or more
$35 for $60 worth of creole dinner cuisine for four or more

截止日期: 购买后120天,售完即止


[NorCal] Mehak Indian Cuisine 都来湾区了,怎么能不尝一尝这里的咖喱

Mehak, which means "aroma" in Sanskrit, focuses on North Indian cuisine, with stars such as savory lamb, chicken, and prawns served in made-to-order meals or loaded into a steaming lunch buffet. With a fresh-baked piece of naan bread in hand, diners are encouraged to scoop up smoky meats from the tandoori clay oven or quickly sponge up a portion of a tablemate's dal soup. “Mehak”这个词在梵文中意为“香”,正如这家印度餐厅试图带给顾客的一样。且不说那些美味的烤羊肉、烤鸡肉,或者印度烤饼,连谷歌的CEO都已经是印度人啦,来湾区尝试一下这里的印度菜,也是体验生活的一部分呢  

2449 Sacramento Street
Berkeley, CA 94703


$14 for $24 worth of Indian food for two or more

截止日期: 购买后120天,售完即止


[NorCal] Preston’s Candy & Ice Cream 甜蜜巧克力品尝体验课程,还能打包回家

This sensory experience begins with a tour of the candy factory, including a look at a traditional candy kitchen filled with antique tools, chocolate enrobing lines, and a climate-controlled storeroom that holds the finished candies. After getting a glimpse of how the chocolate is made, groups discriminatingly taste the chocolate and pair it with other candies. Finally, you’ll try various kinds of chocolate while analyzing flavor qualities and discovering new favorites. Tastings also include samples of classic candy products, everyone goes home with a small sample bag of assorted goodies. Classes run on Saturdays and Sundays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Please call ahead for reservations. 吃过无数巧克力,看了无数关于巧克力的电影,想真正走进厨房亲眼看看巧克力的制作过程?你的机会来了。不仅可以学习巧克力的制作,还能品尝不同种类的巧克力,吃不完还能打包回家!心动吗?记得打电话预约哦~    

1170 Broadway
Burlingame, CA 94010


$40 for a Two-Hour Chocolate-Tasting Class with Take-Home Treats for Two ($100 Value)


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