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Boxes of seasonal certified organic produce from local farms come with recipes and free delivery to your doorstep. This Groupon will cover a regular-size mixed box of fruits and vegetables, the no-cooking-required mostly fruit box, a veggies-only box, or a fruit-only box. You can also apply this Groupon toward the price of any home delivery. When you place an order for a box, you may request to swap an item you don't like for a more favored item. Please click here to check whether Farm Fresh To You delivers to your area. If you're in a valid delivery region, this link will also inform you of your weekly delivery day. 夏天到了,想让你的餐桌多一抹绿色?当地农场认证的有机蔬菜送到家门口!会做饭请自由发挥,不会也没关系,参照着附送的食谱也可以烹饪出美味。有机礼盒里有成盒各种蔬菜水果,可根据个人习惯生吃或熟食。

23808 State Highway 16
Capay, CA 95607


$17 for $33 Worth of Delivered Organic ProduceAmount paid never expires. Not valid for clients active within the past 6 month(s). Limit 1 per household, may buy 5 additional as gifts. Limit 1 per visit. Pre-ordering required and subject to availability. Enter your zip code on website to check delivery area. Must become subscriber (may unsubscribe after redemption) Merchant is solely responsible to purchasers for the care and quality of the advertised goods and services.

截止日期: 10/02/2015

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