【一食一客】洛杉矶|Betty Porto@Porto’s | “我希望能环游世界然后吃遍世界上的美食”

【一食一客】洛杉矶|Betty Porto@Porto’s | “我希望能环游世界然后吃遍世界上的美食”


“Porto’s是我妈妈的杰作。它是妈妈的梦想,她的血肉,她的灵魂。Porto‘s 的灵感就是我妈妈。”


地点:洛杉矶,Porto’s Bakery in Glendale,Yelp评选“百家必吃”之一

受访者:Betty Porto,Porto’s创始人。




Q: What is your general impression of LA?


A: I love LA. I love how every food in the world is in LA- LA is like a mini ‘United Nation of Food’. I can try all the exotic food all the time. However, Mom’s kitchen is the best. The love in the food is what makes Mom’s food so good. The love is no longer going to be there if she’s gone.


Q: What was the inspiration behind Porto’s?


A: Porto’s is Mom’s creation. It’s her dream, her body, her heart. Porto’s inspiration is my Mom. We do things the way we think she does things. And the way she does things is perfection. If she is going to do something, she is going to do it perfectly, so we will do it perfectly as well.

答:Porto’s是我妈妈的杰作。它是妈妈的梦想,她的血肉,她的灵魂。Porto‘s 的灵感就是我妈妈。我们做事的方法都按照我们觉得在相同情况下我妈妈会怎么做。她做事的方法就是注重完美。如果她要做什么事,她一定会完美的去做,所以我们也同样的会去完美的做事。

Q: What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced running the bakery?


A: It’s definitely growing pain. As we grow bigger, there are more regulations to comply with and more employees to take care of. We have around 900 employees now. The main challenge is to bring in more money to feed the employee and feed them well. Porto’s is responsible for each employee’s family.


Q: What would you say is your signature dish? And what inspired the creation of it?


A: It’s what Porto’s started with when it was first founded by my Mom. There are 5 of them:
Potato Balls
Meat Pies
Chicken Empanada
Cheese rolls
Cuban Cake
The inspiration behind these dishes is of course my mom.


Q: What is one food that you cannot live without?


A: Arroz con pollo. My favorite food is definitely my Mom’s cooking, and one of the favorite foods is Arroz con pollo, which literally means chicken with rice. The rice is yellow- colored by sofrito sauce, usually comes with beans and carrots as well. Mom’s cooking is too good, so I don’t go eat Cuban foods here in LA. Cuban food is a mix of Spanish, Arabic, and French cooking, so you see a variety of foods in Cuban cuisine. You can make sofrito sauce at home by mixing tomato, garlic, black peeper, bell pepper, olive oil, and salt together. (The interviewer might have missed one or two ingredients)

答:Arroz con pollo。我的最爱一定是我妈妈煮的菜,但其中我最爱的一道菜是Arroz con pollo。这道菜的直接翻译就是鸡肉和饭。饭是黄色的-被sofrito 酱汁染色的,通常也会搭配豆类和红萝卜一起吃。妈妈煮的饭无可取代,所以我都不在洛杉矶吃古巴料理。古巴料理是西班牙,中东, 和法式料理的综合体,所以你可以在古巴料理中尝到一系列异域风情的口味。你也可以在家里自己做sofrito 酱汁来满足自己的味蕾啊,把番茄,大蒜,黑胡椒,红椒,橄榄油,盐巴混在一起就可以了。 (小编可能漏掉了一两个原料)

Q: What is your worst dinning experience?


A: I was very disappointed by services of a restaurant that I’ll not name here in Las Vegas. We waited there for 2 hours and food was still not served. We were not served well while we waited, so we decided to leave after 2 hours. They brought out the food after we walked out, and they chased us with the food in their hands too! So we ran away from the restaurant! It was an interesting experience.


Q: Who is your most memorable customer?


A: We have on average around 10,000 customers on a typical Saturday, so it’s hard for me to remember any specific customer. I do remember one person in a hurry though. He told one of the employees that he is catching a plane, and he is in a rush, so we let him purchase first. He was so thankful that he left a $50 tip! So I told our employee to trust our customers.

It is always rewarding when customers want to take pictures with me and talk with me because they love what we make. There are younger customers that bowed to me to say thank you as a gesture of showing how much they love Porto’s. That is the most rewarding experience for me.



Q: What is the taste of home to you?


A: Taste of home is Mom’s homemade cooking. When my siblings and me were little, Mom was always experimenting with new recipes, so there were always good desserts for kids to eat. I remember when we were young, our house always smell like cinnamon, sugar, and cakes.


Q: What is your favorite bakery or restaurant in LA


A: Bestial. It’s a small place in Downtown LA, and it’s pretty new. I like their salads, it is very detail, and has multiple layer of flavors. The meat and pizza is also pretty good. I like their desserts a lot, especially the tangerine pinna cotta.

答:Bestia。那是一家在Downtown 洛杉矶蛮新的店。我喜欢他们的沙拉,小细节做的很好而且还有多重层次的味道。肉类跟比萨也蛮不错的。我也很喜欢他们的点心,尤其是橙子奶冻。

Q: If you can pick anyone, who do you want to dine with and why?


A: Family. To me, eating around the table means family, and you make memories with people you eat with. Family and foods go together.


Q: What are some of your hobbies besides running Porto’s?


A: I love the arts. So I go to art museums, concerts, ballet, and theater. I also like music, so I listen to jazz, opera. I like many things in Downtown LA.

答:我爱艺术。所以我会去美术馆,音乐会,芭蕾,剧院等等。我也很喜欢音乐,所以我会听爵士,歌剧。我喜欢许多在洛杉矶 Downtown的事物。

Q: Do you have any long-term ultimate goal? (Personal or Professional)


A: For personal goal, I want to travel around the world and eat foods everywhere.

For Porto’s goal, I want it to live on. I want to have our children to take over and run it in future. I think by running Porto’s, I’m giving life to parents even when they pass away. If Porto’s lives on, then the parents live on. Hopefully the next generation will take the responsibility to expand and change.




【一食一客】是由CHIHUO于2015年新开设访谈性栏目,内容完全原创。追踪大千世界里有趣的吃货,讲述美食以及美食背后的故事。推荐或自荐成为受访者、采访者、投稿,请发邮件至 info@chihuo.org,注明“一食一客”。

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