【一食一客】洛杉矶 | Chris Kim,Haus by Coffee Hunter

【一食一客】洛杉矶 | Chris Kim,Haus by Coffee Hunter

Chris Kim

Haus by Coffee Hunter, 洛杉矶


时间:2015年4月17日 11AM

地点:洛杉矶,Haus by Coffee Hunter on 6th St. in Koreatown 

受访者:Chris Kim,Haus by Coffee Hunter餐厅主人。在首尔出生、长大、读书。1999年,移居美国夏威夷;3年前搬来洛杉矶。




  • 提到夏威夷,你最先会想起的吃的东西是什么?


  • 在洛杉矶生活了3年之后,你会怎样评价这个城市?


  • 那如果用味道形容洛杉矶呢?


  • 当初为什么会开Haus呢?

我在韩国的时候有开过相似的店,叫Mango Six,是很多韩剧的取景地。Haus是我在洛杉矶的第一家店。

  • 你在筹划Haus开业的过程中,遇到的最大的挑战是什么?



  • 你会怎样判断咖啡质量的优良呢?


  • 你是怎样和咖啡结下缘分的?


  • 科纳咖啡和其他品种的咖啡有什么不一样?


  • 你说在你眼里,咖啡是一种新款葡萄酒,为什么这样形容咖啡呢?


  • 有没有什么食物你认为是你生命中不可缺少的?


– 在洛杉矶也是么?


  • 对你而言,家的味道是什么呢?


  • 你喜欢烹饪嘛?


  • 那你自己有什么独家料理秘方么?

我们Haus有很多独家的料理就来源于我的私人料理经验,例如Haus的招牌菜明太子意面(Mentaiko spaghetti)。明太子就是明太鱼籽。我们用的明太鱼是来自阿拉斯加海的。在烹饪的过程中用蒜,洋葱和墨西哥胡椒为佐料,加一些黄油祛腥,最后,浇上一些调味汁点睛。

  • Haus营业以来,有没有什么顾客让你印象特别深刻?


另外美国演员Micky Rourke也经常来。在我们店里有他的照片。开始我并没有认出他,是这里的其他顾客告诉我的。他人很友好,很喜欢Haus的咖啡和食物,甚至说比星巴克的棒。

  • 那么,你如何评价星巴克和Tom & Tom’s?

有很多开咖啡馆的人其实并不懂咖啡。在洛杉矶是这样的,在其他地方,以及在中国也是这样的。我认为星巴克是咖啡届的一朵“奇葩“,“垃圾咖啡“。而Tom & Tom’s 是“山寨星巴克“。

  • 谈一谈你在洛杉矶最喜欢的餐厅吧,除了Haus之外?

我经常去Urth Cafe,虽然那里人总是很多。我希望把Haus打造成迷你版的Urth Cafe。Urth Cafe在韩国年轻一代中非常受欢迎。除了Urth Cafe的咖啡和食物之外,我还很欣赏它的经营理念。Urth的经理人开创Urth Cafe源于他去非洲旅行时非常特别的经历。当他看到在非洲当地,儿童被当作摘采咖啡果的廉价劳动力的时候,除了深深的震惊,也意识到他每天习以为常的美味咖啡竟然是来自这些可爱又无辜的孩子的劳动。回到洛杉矶后,他让更多的人知道了这个事实。现在,他以平价卖出咖啡,但会付给非洲的咖啡庄园主更多的价钱。从这个角度来说,他和其他很多商人都不一样。

  • 那最喜欢的韩国餐厅呢?

Chosun Galbee (注:韩国烤肉店,地址:3330 W Olympic Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90019;Yelp评分四星,1172个评论)


  • 你有谈到很多关于Urth Cafe的企业社会角色,那么Haus的长远目标是不是也是回馈社会呢?

是的,我想把Haus打造成韩国城的Urth Cafe。我会在Haus坚持平价。我不仅仅钦佩Urth Cafe经理人,也很赞同他的经营理念。我自己也是农民,很清楚农民的艰辛。

  • 如果你有机会选择和一个人吃饭,你会选择谁,可以是历史人物,也可以是小说中的角色?


  • 您在工作之余有什么爱好呢?


  • 你有打算在中国开Haus分店么?


  • 有规划过会在中国哪个城市开第一家分点么?


  • 请给我们推荐下下次采访对象?



  • What food first comes to your mind when you think of Hawaii?

Mango, Papaya, Pineapple.

  • How long have you been in Los Angeles?

I came to LA 3 years ago.

  • What is your general impression of Los Angeles?

I like living here — LA is so much bigger and busier than Hawaii — but I want to go back to Hawaii when I retire. That’s a place more relaxed for enjoying life. In Hawaii people greet each other by saying “Aloha”. That also means good weather, good environment and good people. It’s not like that in LA.

  • What does LA taste to you?

Diversity. Different culture and different people.

  • Why did you want to open this restaurant?

This is my first cafe in Los Angeles. I had one in Korea called Mangosix. It’s filmed in many Korean drama.

  • What was the toughest challenge you have ever faced opening this restaurant?

There is a lot of different business conditions and regulations here. I need to figure out the laws and tax. Also, It took time to get regular customers.

However, I never worried too much, because coffee is a global product. Everyone likes it! And I’ve been doing farming in Hawaii and I own several coffee farms. I have the confident, because I know coffee very well from feed to brew. I know so much better than other local businessman about coffee brewing.

  • If given any type of coffee, can you tell the difference between their qualities?

Yes of course, that’s my specialty. I am a coffee taster. Different coffee has different flavors, aroma and textures. They all depend on the locations where it is grown. In Hawaii, we grow KONA coffee, and KONA is the only American local coffee.

  • Where did you learn the knowledge about coffee?

In Korea, there are communities about coffee farming. We hold workshops and events very frequently.

  • How is KONA different from other coffee?

Hawaii has very good weather condition. Coffee is an agricultural product, so it depends very heavily how weather. Have you ever seen a coffee tree and the coffee fruits?

– Yes, I saw once in China.

Right, China also grows coffee, in Hainan. However, most of the Asian countries cannot grow coffee, because coffee trees cannot survive in cold weather. So couldn’t European countries. They have to import coffee.

  • You told me that coffee is a new wine. Why would you say that?

Coffee and wine are very similar. First, they both come from fruits. Wine comes from grapes and coffee comes from coffee cherries. We remove the skin and the pulp, and the seeds are what we want. After a set of different procedures, they become coffee beans. Additionally, wines taste different based on their origins. So does coffee. In coffee, there are different aroma, different sweetness, different acidities and different bodies – body means the texture. When you drink milk, it tastes different from tasting water. We call this texture “body”.

  • Do you have any food that you cannot live without?

Oh, Kimchi fried rice.

– From here?

Haha yes. Kimchi fried rice is getting trendy among local residents.

  • What does home taste like to you?

Spicy and sweet.  Haha I like Kimchi.

  • Do you like to cook?

Oh yes, I love to cook. I like to cook different cuisines.

  • Do you have personal secret recipes or menus?

We have many secret recipes here at Haus, such as our signature dish here, Mentaiko spaghetti. Mentaiko means Palla eggs. It’s from not pacific but the Alaska sea. I helped invent this recipe. We use many ingredients to give it good flavor, such as garlic, onions and jalapenos. We also use butter to reduce the smell of fish. Also, we have wonderful sauce. Sauces are very important for any dish.

  • Since Haus was opened, is there one most memorable customer to you?

Yes, there’s a customer called Troy. He comes in almost everyday, and he brings different people with him.

Also, the very famous American actor Micky Rourke used to come here regularly. You can see the picture over there. I didn’t even know it because I was in Hawaii. People recognized him, so that I could know. He was very nice and polite. He said he liked here because we had good coffee and good food, which was better than Starbucks.

  • How would you rate Starbucks and Tom & Tom’s?

There are so many people who don’t know about coffee, but they open coffee shops. It’s true here, and also true in other places, like China. We call Starbucks a “specialty” in coffee, because it is “junk coffee”. And we call Tom &Tom’s “the fake Starbuck’s coffee”. So, you see?

  • What is your favorite restaurant in LA besides Haus by Coffee Hunter?

I used to go to Urth Cafe a lot, but they are always very busy. I want to make Haus cafe as a small version of Urth cafe. Urth cafe is very famous among Korean young generation. Despite their good coffee and good food, I appreciate the concept of Urth Cafe the most. The owner started Urth cafe for a totally different concept. He traveled to Africa, and got shocked by the coffee-farming scene there. Children are employed very cheaply to pick up coffee plants. Then he realized that these coffee beans that he has been dealing with everyday are actually from those cheap labors, from those kids in Africa. Now, He came back and has been educating people about this. He sells coffee for a fair price and pays back to the coffee farmers in Africa at a better price. He is very different from other businessman.

  • How about Korean restaurants?

Chosong galbi. I also like Korean style Chinese food, like ja jamg mian.

  • I see that you talked a lot about Urth Cafe’s social enterprise model. Could I assume that one of your long-term goal for Haus is to give back to the society?

Yes, I want to make haus a small Urth cafe in Ktown. I use fair trade price in Haus for every product. I do not admire the owner of Urth Cafe, but I appreciate their concept. I was a farmer myself, so I know the difficulties of farmers.

  • If you could pick anyone, even fictional or historical, to dine with, who would you pick and why?

The owner of Starbucks. Stop making this kind of coffee, dude. He’s telling people the wrong concept of coffee.

  • What are some of your hobbies besides running Haus by Coffee Hunter?

I like to go to different cafes and restaurants and to give lectures about coffee. I used to teach about coffee in a university in Korea. There is also a coffee class here at LA, teaching about different coffee restaurants and their updated menus.

  • Are you thinking of opening Haus in China?

Yes. We have been contacting with a Chinese potential partner recently. We want to do a franchise for around 100 stores.

  • Do you have a place for the first shop in mind?

Probably Shanghai. But besides that, we might open a café in SGV soon. It took us 6 months to communicate with a Chinese business partner there. Franchise is very difficult in the US. There are always too many regulations and paperwork.

  • Who would you recommend to be our next interviewee?

Our Barrister (at Haus)! Do you know he was once a model?


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